Python search for file
Python search for file

python search for file

I know that threading does not work for nested for loops, so I am stuck in figuring out how to use the multithreading module for this problem. The glob method also supports an extended glob syntax, '/', which allows you to search for files recursively. Searching for Files Recursively in Python.

python search for file

By changing'' to '.py', we could focus on just the Python files, or specify a full filename, etc. VAR.set(nr) # Set number of files as a variable for label You c n see we list two python files and the subdirectory. Nr = LIST.size() # Get current number of files in listbox LIST.update_idletasks() # Update listbox after each element added LIST.insert(END,f) # Insert path with name string into the listbox If 'COMPARE.mat' in f: # if 'COMPARE.mat' in f and not 'MIN' in f and not 'MAX' in f / if 'COMPARE.mat' in f ) # if 'COMPARE.mat' in f and not 'MIN' in f and not 'MAX' in fįileLevels.append(f.split('/')) # Split path string at all '/' UsePATH = '/nfzcae/nvh_mdp/Messdatenbank_Powertrain'įileLevels = # code of interest is belowįor f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(path, d,'*COMPARE.mat')): The recursive walk() function is passed the name of a base folder to search along with a match function to call for each file in the folder. The code which I wrote is as follows: lete(0,END) # this is a list view Here's another example that was tested, and will match search & replace patterns: import fileinput import sys def replaceAll (file,searchExp,replaceExp): for line in fileinput.input (file, inplace1): if searchExp in line: line line.replace (searchExp,replaceExp) (line) Example use: replaceAll ('/fooBar.txt','Hello\sWorld. I was thinking of multiprocessing or threading. The function which I wrote works, but I want to make it more efficient and faster. I have a directory with lot of files and folders in it.

Python search for file