Select('findRelatedSkinCluster($sele)') Ī simple (faster) mel selector to change wire color when coloring controllersĪnd probably the one frustrating shortcut I always add (okay with 'O' linked to the outliner) on a new maya is a way to come out of 'isolate selection' w/o losing your current selection, usually on ctrlshift I When doing a rig and shuffling between skinclusters, a way to get which joints are bound to the current mesh It's kind of a WIP and probably doesn't work in nested refs, but I've used it a lot.
If you have multiple similar refs it will select the same bits throughout. A 'selection to shelf' script basically makes a fake set by hardcoding names to a shelf button in your current shelft.
Hardmesh for maya 2022 free#
I'm currently working on compositing but I used to do rigging and appart from the excellent and free AdvancedSkeleton here are a few: I of course don't do that if I'm planning to build cycles, only if I'm going to do some acting based animation. and, select the root and any IK controllers to move the character off the mass mover tool en masse easily. select every control on the character, 2.
Other than that, I tend to make my own mel-scripts by character. It can't be stressed enough that it doesn't make perfect breakdowns, but it really helps in getting to the 50% mark on your breakdowns and then you can adjust the rest of the controls to you liking. It also works on a controller or group of controller basis. You can do everything in the graph editor that tweenMachine does, but it has a nice HUD and makes it feel much simpler. I tend to work key to key then start building the breakdowns.
Anyway, tweenMachine in the link helps quicken out the posing. I was trained to animate classically, aka hand drawn, and started learning Maya's animation afterwards. If it breaks, or you spaghetti your graph editor to hell and realize that you totally screwed it up, you can save the good animation, and reload a previous save's animation to fix it. I really like dkAnim which is used to transfer animation between identical rigs. I'm going to give back to the community a little.